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The Bevan Commission is Wales’ leading health and care think tank

We challenge, change and champion thinking and practice to ensure sustainable health and care that is fit for the future.

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Innovation Intensive Learning Week 2024


Whether you are new to health and care or currently working to innovate and transform services, this is your chance to work with leaders to get ready for next year and beyond.

Apply by 23rd August

What are you looking for?

Our latest publication

The Foundations for the Future Model of Health and Care in Wales

A timely blueprint for transforming health and care services in Wales, setting out an agenda to achieve a sustainable, high quality, equitable health and care system for current and future generations.

Find out more

Bevan Commission Programmes Are Underpinned By The Four Principles Of Prudent Healthcare

Developed and tested by the Bevan Commission in 2013, the prudent principles sit at the heart of the Welsh Government’s long-term plan for a healthier Wales. The principles will help ensure that Wales and other nations have health and care systems that best meet the needs of their citizens.

Explore The Prudent Principles
Illness is neither an indulgence for which people have to pay, nor an offence for which they should be penalised, but a misfortune, the cost of which should be shared by the community.