The Bevan Exemplar Programme 2017 -18 builds on the successes of previous cohorts and there is now a critical mass of transformational projects in key health and care contexts.
Continue to build on and scale-up success
The content and delivery of the programme is excellent and has resulted in another high rate of success. Exemplars enjoy the experience and gain so many extra skills that they will apply for years to come. There is a massive pride in being an Exemplar and many projects need to be nationalised. There are also opportunities for this approach to be applied outside of the NHS with other key partners such as social care and local government. It is encouraging that the Bevan Commission is exploring the potential to export the Bevan Exemplar scheme to stakeholders such as Regional Partnership Boards to support integrated care and promote the inclusion of other public services.
Invest in big picture innovation
The early successes of previous cohorts has set a high standard. The Cohort Three Exemplars set long-term and ambitious objectives that, despite initial enthusiasm, may not have been truly realistic. Despite this, the setting of long-term, big picture objectives for pathways may be a better framework for the future, especially as Exemplars adapted their objectives and measures after an initial stage of learning about their processes and issues.
Make time for project completion
As more long-term, big picture projects are supported, the Bevan Commission should allow for some ?over-run? to the programme so that delayed projects can be completed.
Formalise finance support
Mentors and other forms of support have proven to be very beneficial to this Cohort and their achievements. Where Finance Exemplars were available and integrated with projects (from conception to conclusion) the projects achieved more and with a robust business case. This aspect of the programme is less formalised and should be much more integrated with every project as subsequent cohorts set out.