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Becks Fowkes and Ellie Jones

Campfire Cymru

Campfire Cymru is a social enterprise working to reduce barriers to participation in outdoor activities. We facilitate programmes and deliver training in forest school, outdoor learning, play and well-being in nature.  Our Forest Families programme works with families with disabilities, neurodivergence and anxiety, with regular sessions for families running in Flintshire, Wrexham and Denbighshire.  Alongside this, we run regular peer support and wellbeing in nature sessions for parents and carers of families with disabilities in Denbighshire and Flintshire.  We also run wilderness therapeutic programmes which incorporate nature based therapeutic approaches alongside bushcraft activities. We work with around 70 parents/ carers and 50 young people at a time across our projects in North East Wales. Many of these people participate with us over several years, some of them go on to train, volunteer or work with us.  90% of our staff and contractors have lived experience as carers or their own neurodivergency.

In a recent Campfire Cymru survey, respondents reported that being the parent or carer of a child with a disability or additional needs led to them feeling socially isolated. 100% of them agreed that our parent & carer sessions, ‘provide opportunities to be sociable / to make friends / feel less isolated.’  And that, ‘sessions give me emotional support which helps me be strong to help my child’.

Parents say: