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Author: Dr Helen Howson

Published: November 30, 2020

A Bevan Commission report informed by a Round Table Event, under Chatham House Rule.

This paper builds upon discussions by the Bevan Commission on matters relating to Care Homes more broadly and the impact and implications of Covid-19. The need to focus on short term actions was identified to help inform the most urgent decisions and necessary changes. To further inform their discussions a Round Table Event, based upon Chatham House Rule, was held on 8 September 2020, attended by invited representatives drawn from the Care Home sector, NHS, local government and the third sector.

Five Bevan Commissioners attended as Chairs for event and the breakout sessions. The event focused upon, ‘what short-term actions needed to be taken so that Care Homes can, going forward, avoid the excess deaths experienced at the outset of Covid-19, whilst also meeting the wider needs of residents and their relatives’. The context for this was the possibility of a second wave of Covid-19 impacting on Wales in the future, which is even more relevant now as we see cases rise significantly. The key actions identified by the Bevan Commission aim to help contribute to the ongoing effort by many to improve care in homes through Covid-19. It reinforces much of the work already underway.

In particular, the guidance set out in the most recent Care Homes Plan by Welsh Government and the recommendations contained in Welsh Government commissioned ‘Rapid Review for Care Homes in Relation to Covid-19 in Wales’, to ensure Wales takes the necessary steps to overcome Covid-19.