Transformation from within: Bevan Exemplar Programme Cohort 4 Evaluation Uncategorized November 20, 2020 Transformation from within: Bevan Exemplar Programme Cohort 4 Evaluation Transformation from within The Bevan Exemplar programme has now completed its fourth cohort with a… Bevan Commission Love0
Bevan Exemplar Cohort 3 Evaluation Summary Uncategorized December 15, 2019 Bevan Exemplar Cohort 3 Evaluation Summary The Bevan Exemplar Programme 2017 -18 builds on the successes of previous cohorts and there… Bevan Commission Love0
Evaluation of the Bevan Innovators Exemplar Programme Cohort 1 2017 Uncategorized October 27, 2017 Evaluation of the Bevan Innovators Exemplar Programme Cohort 1 2017 Exemplar Programme Cohort 1 The programme demonstrates the power of applying a prudent approach to… Bevan Commission Love0