Laura Lloyd Davies
Hywel Dda University Health Board
The mental health and wellbeing of the local population has been significantly affected following Covid-19. Llanelli Cluster has consistently witnessed the highest rates in Hywel Dda University Health Board experiencing a local lockdown in September 2020 which has contributed to an increase in the local population accessing mental health and wellbeing services.
The Project:
This project will enable an opportunity for the cluster to offer additional support to our community and develop a new service for Community Pharmacy. The project will be a service offered to all adults in the Llanelli Cluster who have been newly prescribed a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant by their GP. Community Pharmacy dispensers and technicians will deliver the service when patients attend the Pharmacy to collect their medication.
Project Aims and Objectives:
- It is hoped that it will result in increased opportunities for patients to access professional support and advice in the locality.
- •The patient journey from GP to Pharmacy to accessing services in the community will be strengthened and will benefit all, both staff and patient.
- The project will link Cluster and Community services such as Mind Llanelli, Social Prescribers, third sector groups enabling better communication and opportunities for the population.
- This will be a new role for Community Pharmacy and a development opportunity for the way that Community Pharmacy engages with Cluster and the local population.
Project Outcomes:
The project commenced in September 2021 with all seventeen of the Community Pharmacies in the Llanelli Cluster engaging in Mental Health First Aid training delivered by a local team Mental Health Connected. At least one person from each practice received the training to enable them to deliver this service.
- 3 Community Pharmacies have engaged.
- 31 patients have had initial consultations.
- 9 patients have had their final consultation.
Health Professional Feedback:
Project evaluation was sent to all seventeen community pharmacies in the Llanelli Cluster. Six responses were received.
“I really enjoy providing this service so people are aware that there are other places available to help advise and listen which a lot of people are unaware of.” – Health Professional