In March 2020, the Bevan Commission decided to capture the views of people on Covid-19 over time, as the situation unfolded. Through its networks of Bevan Innovators (Exemplars, Advocates and Fellows) it captured the positive and negative experiences of people working within the system as well as those who use the system.
Together with the feedback from the Commissioners, it monitored the changing responses, through a series of monthly questionnaires. This report presents the findings from the responses over the three months April – June 2020. Collectively, they provide an important insight into how staff and members of the public were responding to the crisis. These responses were candid and marked by their honesty and openness. There is a balance of positive and negative comments, reflecting both a period of impressive innovations, team working and social cohesion, but also respondents views that there was some confusion, and shortfalls in the initial response by the government(s) and those in authority.