Sarah Kingdom Mills
Hywel Dda University Health Board
There are approximately 25,088 beds within social care and 10,288 beds within health care. We have 2,290 student nurses enrolled on pre-registration programmes, all of whom require 50% of their nursing programmes to be in a Practice Learning Environment/clinical placements. There are minimal numbers of students accessing a social care placement, whilst health care (NHS) placements regularly over capacity.
The project will look at interprofessional clinical placements; starting with student nurses to see how these can be provided within care homes, linked to the Care Home Education Facilitator (CHEF) role
Project Objectives:
The project will focus on developing the care homes in-line with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC 2018) Education Standards and the Once for Wales 2020 arrangements.
- Showcase the role of the CHEF as a key stakeholder in developing care homes as practice learning environments
- Work with local authorities and independent providers to advise and train the staff teams in the roles and responsibilities of Practice Supervisors/Practice Assessors (PS/PA)
- Support the educational audits and development of student information packs
- Introduce the concept of social care placements to the students as they embark on their programmes.
Project Approach:
- Operational CHEF role spanning whole student journey including: selection and recruitment, facilitation of placement, delivery of PS/PA training, monitoring quality and quantity of placements; supporting staff and their students with action plans as required through to the point of registration. Create PLE’s.
- Develop governance processes.
- Strategic responsibilities of the CHEF role are to influence, promote and embed opportunities, through collaboration with key stakeholders.
- Establishment of a National CHEF Steering group.
Project Outcomes:
- CHEF role integral to the development of practice education across care homes
- Work strategically and operationally enhancing placement quality and availability
- Develop positive, effective relationships with care home managers and other key stakeholders
- Promote new placement opportunities across Wales.
- Increase student nurse placements in care homes.
Project Impact:
- Increased student nurse placements
- Skilled knowledgeable health and social care staff
- Evidence based compassionate person centred care.