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Bevan Fellow

Faisal is an orthopaedic trainee registrar and is inspired by the idea of NHS. Having seen other systems he believes the NHS is a beautiful system and we need to evolve for the system to evolve. He has a keen interest in developing systems which are sustainable, indigenous and resourceful. He firmly believes that Health professionals are in general, motivated individuals and in this era of unprecedented pressure over the system, they need the tools to do what they need to do. Once they are provided with these tools, they will work wonders!

The focus of Faisal’s Bevan Fellowship will be to develop a trauma management and handover tool, which is sustainable, cost neutral and adaptable to local needs. This would also extend to develop similar tools for General Surgery patient management and CEPOD management, where needed. He intends to make this system better than the competition, so that all health boards across Wales are proud to adopt it.

To date, the project is progressing well, and the LIST is being used in both Wrexham and Bridgend. Faisal has given a number of presentations on the project including at the Welsh Orthopaedic Society, and won the ‘Research, Technology and Innovation’ Award at the Betsi Achievement Awards.

Through his Bevan Fellowship, Faisal is hoping to hone his leadership, teaching and communication skills. For the fraternity, he is hoping to provide a system that is easy to use and makes their job less stressful. He is also intending to provide a free and sustainable system for trauma management for health boards.