Volunteering delivers social value and plays a key role in delivery of health and social care and preventative health, meaning that there is a return on investment.
This Framework is a resource that supports those involved with health and social care volunteering to ‘hold the gain’ that they have experienced during the pandemic. This is essential if the value of volunteering is to be fully recognised and sustained, not just in respect of the emergency response that was experienced in 2020, but also the wider unique value that volunteering brings to health and social care.
This Framework offers a series of common questions that should be considered by all organisations involved in volunteering. Signposting to wider resources, case studies and a self-assessment tool allow each organisation to develop an organisation-appropriate response, recognising the diversity of health and social care organisations in Wales.
The Framework focuses on those areas where volunteering supports a thirdparty health or social care outcome. Although we have not included initiatives such as social prescribing and arts for wellbeing, we recognise and fully support the benefits that these bring. By volunteering, we mean:
- Voluntary
- Not for financial gain
- For the benefit of others beyond the volunteer’s household and/or family
This Framework was developed by WCVA, Helpforce Cymru, Bevan Commission, Social Care Wales, Richard Newton Consulting.