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Bevan Exemplar Cohort 8 Projects

Improving patient safety and reducing medicines waste through cluster based post hospital discharge medication reconciliation

Ivana Wong

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

Project Background:

Since March 2020, Cluster Pharmacists at Cardiff Southwest Cluster have supported patients with medication reconciliation after hospital discharge at a cluster-based care hub. This initiative addresses shortcomings in the previous medication reconciliation process, which was prone to delays and errors due to lack of clinical training among surgery staff  and time constraints on GPs. This has allowed a rapid, safe and effective update of medications, improving the quality of care and freeing up time for primary care teams to work prudently.

Identified errors, especially in Discharge Advice Letters (DALs), highlight the need for collaboration with the University Health Board (UHB) to enhance patient safety and reduce readmissions.

The model’s uniqueness addresses care inequities, prompting efforts to expand it, gather data, and establish a robust DAL sharing system across clusters, optimizing resources and improving patient care.

Project Aims and Objectives:


To improve the quality and safety of the transition care between secondary and primary care and monitor medicines wastage in this context.


  1. To spread model to 2 other clusters within locality.
  2. Use this spread to collect data on DALs related errors and incidents of medicines wastage.
  3. Inform improvement work within the UHB to improve the reliability and safety of DALs.

Project Outcomes:

  • New model started in our cluster, an additional cluster recruited into project
  • 11,823 patients had a pharmacist-led medication reconciliation (May-Dec 2023)
  • Analysis of number and types of safety issue mitigated (98 DATIX reported)
  • 107 items of medicine waste reduction and cost saving
  • a further cluster in another locality adopted the same model (after data collection period concluded)

Comparison of 2 clusters in terms of DAL with issue, DAL with issue verified by hospital pharmacy, potential hospital readmission avoidance and DATIX reported.

Project Impact:

  • Process improvement: 7-28 days to same day turnover with added safety check by pharmacist
  • 828 safety issue mitigated
  • 188 potential  hospital readmission avoidance
  • 501 hours GP time saved (£113,368)
  • Medicine waste reduction and cost savings (£1,287)
  • Data used to help inform other improvement initiatives within CVUHB
  • Positive patient and colleague feedback

View the project poster and slides from the Cohort 8 Bevan Exemplar Showcase