Rachel Wright
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board
At BCUHB we collect a large amount of patient and carer feedback data where learning from patients. Unfortunately, this feedback is not applied across services. We cannot keep repeating negative experiences and re-occurring themes in terms of quality of care.
The project:
We would like to develop a framework where we can test learning from patient, carer and relative experience. We would like to develop patient and carer experience standards that are co- produced with patients and carers.
We would like to strengthen existing staff skill set to support and help them identify learning from experience as part of a learning methodology.
We will work with staff patients, carers and relatives to identify what good experience looks like and identify improvements BCUHB need to achieve to get there. This will form a 12 month plan.
Anticipated benefits:
- Increased understanding of the benefits of learning from patient and carer experience.
- Increased staff skill set empowering services to take responsibility for patient experience data and feedback.
- Clear framework for all staff to follow around learning from experience.
- Improved relationships with patients, carers and stakeholders.
- Patient and carer experience standards co-produced by patients and carers that reflect what good/ outstanding experience should look like.
- Increased mechanisms for patient and carer feedback/ engagement in health board decision making.
The project outcomes will strengthen the voice of the patient and carer as a key component in service design.