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Bevan Exemplar Cohort 9 projects

Pre-Assessment Triaging in Outpatient Clinic

Ihab Abbasi and Dylan John

Hywel Dda University Health Board

The project aims to get the clinicians in the Gynaecology outpatient department to perform a clinical triage for patients they list to have day case surgery, and if they were deemed fit they can be added to a “ready to have a Surgery” list of patients. These patients can be called and offered a slot in any theatre list that had a vacancy due to cancellation. It does not replace pre-assessment, but rather safely signs healthy patients off as medically fit without the need to send them to PAC.

Not only this will allow booking office to fill theatre lists promptly, but also will reduce the pressure on the PAC and allow them to focus on the patients with medical complications that need several tests and investigations.