Emma Hayhurst, Llusern Scientific
Jeroen Nieuwland, Llusern Scientific
Alison King, CTMUHB Pathology
Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are one of the most common bacterial infections globally. 90% of UTI patients are women, and the risk of suffering from a UTI increases with age. Even acute uncomplicated UTIs can be painful and debilitating and UTIs can have severe long-term consequences, including sepsis. Despite this, no good diagnostic tools exist which are suitable for point-of-care, meaning over and under diagnosis is common. UTI treatments account for 10-20% of community antibiotic prescriptions but many of these antibiotics are given out unnecessarily, fueling the spread of antibiotic resistance. UTIs-related appointments are a considerable burden in primary care and re-consultations are common.
- To improve diagnosis and treatment of UTIs
- To validate the performance of the new point of care UTI test
- To evaluate the potential clinical impact of the use of the test in primary care
- Determine a pathway for wider adoption of the test
- Clinical performance evaluation against traditional method (500 samples)
- User focus groups and demonstrations with GPs
- Engage with commercial partners and determine route to market
Outcomes/ Benefits
- Good clinical sensitivity and specificity
- Better at detecting true infections in mixed growth samples
- May work as a rule out test to improve antibiotic stewardship
- Could have impact in primary, community, secondary care and emergency settings, leading to reduced service demand, reduced cost, better patient outcomes
- Significant patient benefits anticipated
What Next
- UK CA marking
- Real world evaluations
- Comparison with dipsticks
- Engagement with policy makers
- Commercial pathway mapped out
- Setting up production lab in Cardiff
- Independent NIHR performance evaluation