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Bevan Exemplar Cohort 7 Projects

TEC-Plus Package: An Advanced Support and Resource Service for Research and Clinical Decisions in Digital Health and Social Care

Gemma Johns

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

TEC Cymru have received a significant amount of national NHS Wales patient/staff feedback from users of a single digital service (Video Consulting), which consist of more than 50k participants across a wide range of methods. A clear need has been identified for additional digital training, support and evidence-based guidelines in some services for using digital healthcare, which are specific to their specialities. These guidelines would be developed, tested and evaluated with the support and guidance of clinical teams, and validated and peer-reviewed nationally over a period of time.

The Project:

The project aims to increase digital skills & improve clinical decisions by developing & robustly testing a new TEC-Plus package, which will involve advanced training modules, speciality specific toolkits, guidelines, one-to-one support, and more. This study would be tested using quality improvement methodologies and PDSA cycles.

Project Outcomes:

The development and distribution of a new research and evaluation framework to support the ongoing digital research and evaluation across the NHS.

The development of a range of infographics and guidelines to support clinical decision.