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Clinical Influencer, Cohort 2

Dr. Inderpal Singh, Consultant Geriatrician / National Clinical Lead, Falls and Frailty, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board / NHS Executive.

Dr. Inderpal Singh is a consultant geriatrician at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board in Wales and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University. He serves as the Lead Training Programme Director (Internal Medicine Training) and collaborates with HEIW to enhance the educational experience of trainee doctors while implementing the Shape of Training reforms.

In 2020, Dr. Singh was appointed as a National Clinical Lead by the Welsh Government. He established a national Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) Development and Quality Assurance Board to improve osteoporosis care across Wales and reduce the risk of subsequent fractures in patients. Additionally, he chairs the Falls and Fragility Fracture Programme (FFFAP) Board in Wales.

His research focuses on education, inpatient falls, osteoporosis, and dementia. He has authored more than 25 research papers, reviews, and book chapters. Dr. Singh has received several prestigious awards, including the NHS Wales Award in 2017, the Excellence in Teaching Award from Cardiff University in 2019, and a Clinical Excellence Award in 2021.

He has been actively collaborating with colleagues across the Welsh Government, Health Boards, Value-Based Health Care initiatives, Six Goals for Urgent and Emergency Care, Public Health, the Bevan Commission, the Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS), the British Geriatrics Society, and the third sector to promote bone health and implement FLS throughout Wales.

Dr. Singh organized and facilitated the first FLS conference in Wales in 2022, which resulted in a Ministerial Written Statement supporting the development and implementation of FLS across Wales. Building on this success, he delivered the second FLS conference in April 2024. Wales then became the first of the four nations to issue a follow-up Ministerial Statement in September 2024, confirming the nationwide roll out of FLS.