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Clinical Influencer, Cohort 2

Sarah Cadman, National Programme Lead, Patient Safety Programme/ Acute and Crisis Care Programme, Strategic Programme for Mental Health, NHS Executive

Sarah was educated at the Welsh School of Occupational Therapy and has since gone on to carve out a career with a breadth of clinical experience across mental health services, having worked in hospitals, community and primary care mental health settings.

In recent years, Sarah has led on quality, safety and improvement in mental health and learning disabilities at Health Board level, forging strong networks with clinicians and people who use services to promote and develop good practice, informed by the latest research and evidence bases. Sarah completed an MSc in Leadership for the Health Professions in 2022 and has a strong interest in compassionate leadership in healthcare.

Having recently been appointed as a National Programme Lead in the Strategic Programme for Mental Health in the NHS Wales Executive, Sarah will be working with experts by experience and experts by occupation across mental health services in the NHS, other statutory organisations and non-governmental organisations/Third Sector partners to transform mental health services across Wales. In co-designing and producing a model of care which is needs-led, the quality of outcomes and experience for both people who use services and people who provide services will radically improve.