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Bevan Exemplar Cohort 9 projects

Unequal Aging: Health Inequalities in Older Patients

Alexander Shaw

Digital Health and Care Wales

Health Inequalities amongst older adults represent a critical challenge in public health manifesting in disparities in morbidity, mortality, quality of life and access to health care services. This project aims to identify and analyse these health inequalities using comprehensive inpatient, outpatient, and emergency data. The primary objective of this project is to uncover patterns and determinants of health inequalities among the elderly population to allow for future data-driven decision making around service provision, healthcare policy and workforce levels. The secondary aim of this project therefore is to highlight areas of healthcare in which interventions would have the most significant impact to level health outcomes across population groups.

This project has the potential for significant real-world impact. By identifying high-risk groups and the factors contributing to their disparities, healthcare providers and policymakers can implement targeted interventions which will not only dramatically impact patient care but will also redirect and focus service provision which, in turn, will improve the efficiency of NHS Wales.