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Photo of Laura Mackenzie

Bevan Fellow

With 10 years of experience as a GP, Laura has a number of roles which focus on supporting the professional development of others.

She is the programme director of the 3D Programme – a leadership course which empowers healthcare professionals to drive change in their setting. She has been a GP appraiser for 7 years. She also works in the primary care sustainability team at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.

Traditionally, GP continuous professional development (CPD) education is designed to increase GP knowledge about a particular clinical topic.

A new CPD model is being trialled in which GPs and allied healthcare professionals from the same practice attend workshops together to both increase their knowledge and improve patient services at their practice.

Laura’s project objectives are to:

  1. Develop a framework for CPD workshops which focus on improving patient services, in addition to enhancing clinician knowledge.
  2. Evaluate the impact of these workshops on patient services, multiprofessional team working and job satisfaction.

“I hope to contribute to research which improves patient care. I hope to develop my skills in leadership, communication, data analysis and report writing.

I’m looking forward to collaborating and learning from peers and mentors.”