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Senior Bevan Fellow

Dr Elizabeth Davies is a Consultant Geriatrician and Clinical Director for Elderly Care at Swansea Bay University Health Board.

She has dedicated her consultant career to developing innovative services for older people living with frailty with a particular focus on improving care pathways in Acute Medicine, the Emergency Department and more recently, in community settings.

As part of her Bevan Commission Fellowship, Liz is leading a transformative project to establish a single point of access for frailty services. This initiative, developed in collaboration with partners in Urgent Primary Care and the Welsh Ambulance Service, is centred within an Integrated Care Coordination Hub. It aims to provide faster, seamless access to specialist frailty services and community based care, offering a safe and effective alternative to hospital admission.

Delivering impactful innovation for older people living with frailty requires strong collaboration across regional, professional and organisational boundaries, particularly across health and social care. Liz is committed to fostering these partnerships and is eager to leverage the wealth of experience, expertise and mentorship within the Bevan Commission network to refine and amplify the outcomes of her work.