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Photo of Tim Smith

Bevan Fellow

Tim has a background in learning and development, having spent a number of years as a secondary school teacher and senior examiner before taking a lead role in developing a training platform for one of the UK’s largest insurers.

He has been part of the Powys Living Well Service since April 2021, initially as Lead Digital Facilitator and then Business Manager.

His role includes managing the operational delivery of the service including providing support for all of their digital projects, from the way that the service uses clinical systems right through to helping people access online consultations.

He enjoys the challenge of making the service accessible to everyone. He is passionate using technology to support the work of the service, and is proud of the partnerships that the team has developed to enable this.

Tim recently completed his MSc in Leading Digital Transformation, and chairs a Community of Practice focused on Digital Inclusion, Accessibility and Education in health and social care.

Tim’s focus during the Bevan Fellowship will be on developing a toolkit for multidisciplinary teams to help them better understand their service users and deliver inclusive services in a rural area.

He will look at and build on existing good practice within Wales to develop a model on which to base a toolkit for accessible service development.  Recognising that services such as the Powys Living Well Service that cover rural areas are expected to support individuals with a diverse range of needs, the work would begin by identifying gaps in current provision and developing a formal strategy to address them.  This will include considering how to use digital technology to support service delivery, as well as the need for appropriate information and corporate governance structures when developing and sustaining partnerships with external organisations.

The final product will be a multimedia toolkit combining research from other services/localities/countries and practical experiences of developing services within Powys to support other rural services to review the accessibility of their services and identify/address barriers to access.  The toolkit will contain a range of techniques that can be used to help multidisciplinary teams across Wales to understand how users see their service and identify key opportunities to implement positive change.

“I hope that my Bevan Fellowship will provide opportunities for me to continue research in to approaches used across Wales and across the world to improve accessibility of services and develop a balanced blend of digital and in-person healthcare.

I also hope that the Bevan Fellowship will broaden my professional network and help me to develop the work that I have been doing around Digital Inclusion and Accessibility following completion of my MSc in Leading Digital Transformation, including the Inclusion and Accessibility focused Community of Practice that I lead.

I recognise the importance of developing partnerships with public and third sector organisations to support the work we do with individuals and look forward to learning and sharing good practice and experiences on a regional and national level with the support of the Bevan Commission.”