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Bevan Fellow

Andrew is Head of Programmes for the ‘avoidable employee harm’ work in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (NHS Wales) and is currently undertaking research exploring the implementation of disciplinary investigations in the NHS and their impact on both individuals and organisations. He is also working with Health Education and Improvement Wales on the national ‘Improving employee investigations’ programme, which focuses on the importance of looking after the individuals involved, as well as the application of the process itself.

With a background in healthcare improvement and innovation, he has held senior communications roles across the private, public and voluntary sectors, including director of communications for Public Health Wales and Life Sciences Hub Wales.

His Bevan Fellowship focuses on developing the avoidable employee harm concept to improve the employee experience and wellbeing of the health and care workforce in Wales.

New Publications: 

When we do harm. An Avoiding Harm discussion paper on improving our employee investigations.

Download the discussion paper

Frontiers | The last resort: reducing avoidable employee harm by improving the application of the disciplinary policy and process (

The organisational harm, economic cost and workforce waste of unnecessary disciplinary investigations | British Journal of Healthcare Management (

Andrew and senior colleagues from NHS Wales and Brunel University London highlight the harm, cost and waste that can be caused by unnecessary and poorly managed employee investigations in the  British Journal of Healthcare Management.

Further information about Andrew’s work can be found on his ORCID account and by following him on LinkedIn:

ORCID: Andrew Cooper (0000-0002-8516-8333) – ORCID
